Modular Homes Indiana Pricing
The pricing of modular homes is quite exciting when it comes right down to it! Even in these extraordinary times where inflation is high and there seems like there are no home options on the market, there are, and we are here as a viable option!

Modular Homes in Indiana and Michigan
Modular homes in Indiana and Michigan are on average 20-40% more inexpensive than regular stick-built homes. This means that your new home is completely obtainable for those that qualify, and we will work with you to get you prepared for being a homeowner.
Walk Into Instant Equity
From a financing standpoint, there is no downside to these homes. They are built to suit your needs and you can prepare for what the needs are going to be AND for what they can be down the line. The houses appraise at what you pay for the home and are instantly equitable.
The pricing for these houses vary based on the options that you put into the house; furthermore; Modular Homes in Indiana and Michigan are built to the exact same codes that are in place for safety. As a matter-of-fact; modular homes in Indiana and Michigan are built to the most stringent of codes in Northern Michigan and Canada. Making these houses energy efficient and much more equity than most stick-built homes.

Indiana and Michigan Homes Are Hard to Come By
ModWay Homes realizes that there are many other modular home companies that you can go with for building your new home and encourage you to do so. At ModWay Homes we encourage you all to do your homework and check out other builders! Check out our list here.
Pricing Fluctuates, But Our Quality Does Not
The pricing of building materials fluctuates all the time and they do affect our bottom line; however, once done with the home, the price of the home is nothing compared to the happiness that you will have once moved in and enjoying the comforts of your new home. Nothing compares to being a new homeowner!