Home Ownership Lasting Peace of Mind.When we own or own homes we have a place that we can call ours!

Peace of Mind
When you own your own home you get the peace of mind that comes with it. The ability to call your area yours and no one else’s is pure bliss! Talk to us about being a homeowner and the responsibility behind being a homeowner. Warning: It’s not for the timid or faint of heart.
The ModWay is Our Way
We can create your home to be the exact specifications of what you want it to be! We can build it to meet your needs and design it to have it look exactly the way you want on the inside or out. We have a fit-in-finish team that will make everything you can think of the way that you want it!

Our Promise
Each year we grow a little larger and take more pride in the influence we have on the custom housebuilding industry. We continue to strive to help our hardworking neighbors and their families achieve their dreams by providing quality homes at a reasonable price.
Our timeless vision and our deep passion which is backed by a deep-rooted family have never been stronger. AS we grow, we continue to adapt and maintain our mission to give back to our communities, keep up with green policies in home building and provide superior customer service and satisfaction with our lead custom house building company.