Welcome to Summer! It is full-tilt here at ModWay Homes. We have been running around and getting houses set and finished up to make sure that our families are always satisfied with the jobs that we get done. Throughout the summer we have been moving our houses all over the area and have been getting top-notch results! With our motto being, “Start Strong Finish Strong” we really work to embody that. Being that we are in the throws of the heat and summer we are moving quickly to make sure that we are able to get your work going the way it needs to be so we can finish strong! Welcome to summer everyone!
Summer is Amazing!
Being a first-class company is what we strive to be here at ModWay Homes and want you to remember our name. Moreover, our staff, contractors, and sub-contractors make everything from the foundation to the roof-tops perfect. This summer has been amazing with our crews from Sawyer, MI to Claypool, IN make sure you say hello to our crew when you see one of us! And if you are bored and are looking for new housing options come into our showroom to see Nick or Adam; maybe you’ll get a glimpse at Sarah or Kenny somewhere around there!
Welcome to Summer With Some of these pictures
We try to take amazing photos as we go through the process; furthermore, not only to show off our work but to make sure that we are getting the best quality control that we can to share with you all! We have good-looking relationships with a lot of our subs and we like to show them off as the mission moves forward.

This is Crane Industrial setting up a house in Indiana.

This beautiful home is for sale in South Bend, IN. Contact Irish Realty for hard inquiries.

Welcome to summer with this basement in Michigan with the sun shining in! Yea this is one of the basements that we created!

Beautiful steps into a home in Elkhart, IN. Welcome to summer to the new owners of this beautiful new house!
Moving Forward into Fall
Welcome to summer can only last so long, therefore; we will move into Fall! Just wait until you see the fall lineup we will bring to you! Above all the work that we do will always outshine every job because we are constantly striving to get better! Therefore, the work that we do now, which is great, will always be better! Certainly, as we move forward, keep up with us and in your mind by following our blogs and social accounts or contact us. Until next time we will see you later!